Para Lisca 2024

Vsako leto prvi teden v avgustu, vzletišče Lisca gosti vikend poimenovan Para Lisca. Dogajanje s tekmovanji (Hike & Fly, XC), demo dnevi opreme, žurka in druženje. 

Every year in the first week in August they organize the Para Lisca event at the Lisca take-off. There are some competitions (Hike & Fly, XC), demo days from manufacturers and some party. 

Letos smo se odločili, da tja povabimo tudi Adria Fly učence. Letenje je predvideno zjutraj in zvečer. V kolikor vreme dovoljuje pa lahko tudi čez dan. 

We decided to offer Adria Fly students to fly there as a part of the course. Planned flying is in the morning and in the evening, if weather cooperates even in between. 

3. in 4. avgust. 


3th and 4th of August

Lisca take off

Do Lisce pridete s svojimi vozili, predlagamo, da se dogovorite in pridete skupaj. Tam bomo uredili prevoze ali z naše strani, ali z organizatorji dogodka. Cena enaka Lijaku.


Možnost kampiranja, ampak ni urejenih tušev Wcjev. Samo možnost kampiranja. Je pa WC javni v koči seveda.

You get to Lisca with your own transport. We advise you take the car together in bigger group. The transports to take off will be arrange either from our side or from organizer side. Price will be the same as at Lijak.


There is a chance of camping, but without showers and toilets, just camping. There is a toilet in the hut of course.

Tečaj bo potekal ob zadostnem številu prijavljenih.

The course will happen with sufficient number of students signed in. 

Izpitniki dobrodošli!